Leather Water Stain Remover - Kit-A3.ws

Leather Doctor®

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1.000 KGS
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Product Overview

Leather Water Stain Remover - Kit-A3.ws by Leather Doctor is formulated to remove leather stain as the results of destabilizing the leather pH equilibrium. The side effect of alkaline overexposure manifests as bleedings, marks and rings behaving like litmus paper. The darkening marks or rings are leather constituents that breaks bond with the protein fiber and migrate forming the darkening effect or outer ring. ProClean-1.5 with a pH value of 1.5 is a very low water-based acidic cleaner with an extra protonating or pH balancing function besides providing a thorough deep cleaning. The amphoteric leather protein fiber is given an extra ionic positive (+ve) charge to stabilize and re-attract the other ionic negative (-ve) leather constituents and in water damage cases are mainly the fugitive dyestuff and fatliquor. Acidifier-2.0 (pH 2.0) is used as rinse and further control the leather from denaturing and controlling from leather becoming sliminess or tackiness. Hydrator-3.3 (pH 3.3) helps to redistribute the fugitive dyestuff by saturating the entire leather structure and let it dwell up to 72 hours to even out appearance. Evaporation control from untimely evaporation is done with putting into s seal container for small items and plastic wrapping for large items. Optimum saturation is a little moisture oozing out of the leather when press between fingers and thumb for ease of water movement and is a critical observation for a movement of the dyestuff and redistributing during the dwelling stage. Fatliquor-5.0 (pH 5.0) replenishing when the leather is almost drying or up to 25% total moisture content will replace the Hydrator-3.3 and allow to dry for suppleness with softness and strength. A very slow drying will produce a softer leather. Protector-B imparts a soft natural buttery-feel when the leather is completely dry and helps reduce friction rubs. Leather is pH sensitive thus products suffix denotes their pH value for a safe water stain rectification. Shipping Weight Options comes with reduced weight as 'Fill-0.5kg' to save on shipping weight, thus all the 5 bottles need to be cut and filled with distilled water prior to use.

Application Instruction:

1- Dry soil removal prior to application.

2- Spray CleanPro-1.5 and agitate with horsehair Brush-1 and towel extract until it shows clean.

3- Spray Acidifier-2.0 and agitate with horsehair Brush-1 and towel extract until towel shows clean.

4- Proceed with Hydrator-3.3 to relax and separate the stick together fiber structure and dwelling it up to 72 hours helps to redistribute the surrounding leather constituents back to the exposed areas. Ensure that the entire article is saturated with a little moisture oozing out when press between thumb and fingers and control evaporation by butting small article into a concealed container or plastic wrapping. Interval inspection to ensure the moisture level in replenished evenly to facilitate dyestuff redistribution. It may not work with insufficient moisture level. Inspect for dyestuff redistribution satisfaction prior to fatliquor replenished it. Read more . . .https://leatherdoctor.com/hydrator-3-3/

5- Surface when dry needs be moist again with Hydrator-3.3 for an even appearance preconditioning it prior to Fatliquor-5.0 replenishing. The amount of fatliquor (fat and oil) content when dry should be around 14% read from a leather moisture meter or an equivalent wood moisture meter. Otherwise apply until satisfaction. Read more . . . https://leatherdoctor.com/fatliquor-5-0/

6- Protector-B is applied when the leather is dry, that will impart a non-stick, rub-resistance surface with a buttery-feel.

Example: http://www.leathercleaningrestorationforum.com/forum/showthread.php?68-How-To-Remove-Water-Mark-Stains-from-ALDO%AE-Aniline-Leather-Shoe

Visit: www.LeatherCleaningRestorationForum.com for technical help and support.

Email: info@leatherdoctor.com for other information.


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